all postcodes in CH49 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH49 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH49 7LA 8 0 53.371068 -3.079327
CH49 7LB 11 0 53.37084 -3.078705
CH49 7LD 32 0 53.372797 -3.080017
CH49 7LE 24 0 53.372897 -3.078937
CH49 7LF 26 0 53.373743 -3.080822
CH49 7LG 39 0 53.371605 -3.081565
CH49 7LH 34 0 53.373133 -3.086564
CH49 7LJ 37 0 53.373533 -3.085146
CH49 7LL 42 0 53.371332 -3.082024
CH49 7LN 20 0 53.372114 -3.080015
CH49 7LP 36 1 53.370187 -3.086369
CH49 7LQ 35 0 53.372408 -3.086245
CH49 7LR 22 0 53.370923 -3.088386
CH49 7LS 4 2 53.372526 -3.089869
CH49 7LT 28 0 53.371049 -3.087398
CH49 7LU 32 0 53.371664 -3.085038
CH49 7LW 21 0 53.372493 -3.08282
CH49 7LX 8 0 53.371573 -3.084209
CH49 7LY 33 0 53.370589 -3.086544
CH49 7LZ 21 0 53.371212 -3.086259